Design Marketing 2

UI – Design

I then used photoshop to create designs and do the art direction for what my website would look like, based upon the wireframes. I will apply the same scene that my dog is in as the background, just in case the dog does not completely fit. I also came across an icon on the 'noun… Continue reading UI – Design

Design Marketing 2

Visual Concepts – Composition

I presented my planned concept to Xavier and we made a list of further considerations; Is he an angel? could put a halo on him? What colour do I want? Add a moon when he is howling? Words / text - when and where? Itch levels - itchometer? Numbers? UX / UI - How will… Continue reading Visual Concepts – Composition

Creative Project Management

Washing Machine – Visual Concept

Before moving forward with the washing machine and adding black tape, I created a mockup of what this would look like on photoshop. I experimented with a few versions, some of which included the black tape, and two types of laundry; spinning and still. We decided to move forward with the spinning laundry. This would… Continue reading Washing Machine – Visual Concept


Movie Poster

We were given the task to watch various TED talks, then choose one and create a poster for it. I chose to create my poster on photoshop, inspired by Wes Anderson. The TED talk which I chose is focused on the power of introverts.   I then created a scamp to doodle what I… Continue reading Movie Poster