Major Project

Eat to live, don’t live to eat?

"Eat to live, don't live to eat" - Benjamin Franklin What if you could do both. I will be looking into Speculative Design techniques. In a future where the way we consume now is no longer sustainable, we must find new ways. Issues that this would take into account: Increase of population Sustainability Decrease in… Continue reading Eat to live, don’t live to eat?

Major Project

Initial Idea

We were told a few months ago to start thinking about what we could do for our major project. Since then I've had a vague idea of what direction I wanted to go down, but was not completely set. I have always been interested in fashion, due to my parents working in the industry and… Continue reading Initial Idea

Creative Project Management

Concept – Starting from Scratch

After a few failed meet ups, and a few brainstorming sessions, we realized we had once again come to a dead end. We tried to come up with a new fresh idea. We were also notified at this point that one of our team members would be taking a step back. We came up with… Continue reading Concept – Starting from Scratch