Live Case Studies

GB – Logo Versions Developed

When we present our logo we will present three versions. Version 1; Improvement of existing logo. This is the finished product. Version 2; a simple and linear style. This one is mature. We thought we could use either of these fonts to play around with it; Version 3; Playful style with dots We discussed whether… Continue reading GB – Logo Versions Developed

Live Case Studies

GB – Colour Palette

After toying around with a few different colour palettes when doing our initial research presentation, we wanted to start from scratch and create a fresh vibrant colour palette, that steered away from their existing use of colours. The primary colour palette is what we will use as our main colours and for backgrounds text etc.… Continue reading GB – Colour Palette

Live Case Studies

GB – Existing Logo Developed

For one of our logo suggestions, it is an improved version of the clients existing logo. This is the existing logo and tagline. Here are a few variations that were created. These were primarily created by Victoria and Erla, who discussed with all of us their thoughts as they did it. We tried a variety… Continue reading GB – Existing Logo Developed

Live Case Studies

GB – Edited Presentation & Feedback

Once we handed in the presentation and uploaded it to box, we were sent the same version but with comments on it. I volunteered to edit the presentation and take on board the comments, as I was the one who had originally created it so knew where the comments were coming from. I tried to… Continue reading GB – Edited Presentation & Feedback

Live Case Studies

GB – App Analysis

We were sent a copy of the presentation by the Client. The presentation contained 99 slides, each with a different screenshot of the app. Erla, Victoria, and I went through this and made notes, analyzing and annotating the app. These were our notes: Slide 1 - the colour, dead space, the icon, outdated, looks like… Continue reading GB – App Analysis

Live Case Studies

GB – Presentation Short

This is the same presentation, with the same amount of slides, but with minimal text. I cut down the text to only display the crucial information. After speaking to Clare, I also changed the font to all 'Sans Serif' to simplify the design. This is the final presentation. This took me 5 hours in total.… Continue reading GB – Presentation Short

Live Case Studies

GB – Presentation Long

When we met up on the previous Monday we assigned jobs to each team member, and created a google slides where everyone could input what they had done. We agreed to meet up on the following Thursday to then create the presentation and make it look nice. Unfortunately we did not end up meeting up… Continue reading GB – Presentation Long