Design Marketing 2

UI – Design

I then used photoshop to create designs and do the art direction for what my website would look like, based upon the wireframes. I will apply the same scene that my dog is in as the background, just in case the dog does not completely fit. I also came across an icon on the 'noun… Continue reading UI – Design

Design Marketing 2

Cinema4D – Progress, Colour & Background

I followed a tutorial that worked really well for my first attempt, therefore I just rolled with that moving forward. I didn't follow it strictly I kind of just improvised, which worked well. It can be frustrating though as a 26-minute tutorial took me 1 and a half days to actually execute. For my actual… Continue reading Cinema4D – Progress, Colour & Background

Live Case Studies

GB – App Visual Concepts

Initially, Sanha did a variety of illustrations. Then I traced them into illustrator, making small adjustments. I then played with colour and different versions. Rather than just making changes to their existing app, we wanted to show how they could completely reinvent the app, to stick with the colour palette and circular minimalist theme. I… Continue reading GB – App Visual Concepts

Live Case Studies

TNC – Pattern & Colour Inspiration

Before coming up with my colour scheme I wanted to look into different traditional patterns commonly used in Ghana. In order to make their fabrics, for their traditional clothing, they often us the 'batik' method. This is where you draw with wax on fabric, and then dye colour between the lines. After wards you can… Continue reading TNC – Pattern & Colour Inspiration


KSA Design Challenge – Further Development

In order to continue developing our design we came up with the idea to create a box in a neutral colour, and emboss their logo on it. We would then create a paper sleeve to go around it. This would be black on the outside with university branding, graphics etc. Then the inside of the… Continue reading KSA Design Challenge – Further Development

Live Case Studies

TNC – Competition Boo Bicycles

Boo Bicycles - Based in Colorado, USA Average price - $4,800 Made using Bamboo sourced in Vietnam Completely custom company - any part can be customized Centrally focused around race bikes - therefore slightly different look too TNC bikes Sleek finish Like the all black components around it Simplicity Modern More focused on looking like… Continue reading TNC – Competition Boo Bicycles