Design Marketing 2


In order to make my ideas to come to light further, I looked online for inspiration. This would help me visualize what I could do, but also different ways people have used them. I found this to be beneficial, but at the same time, I already know exactly how I want it to look therefore I didn’t take too much of it on board. This may be a negative thing, but I have a vision of what I imagine it to look like, so want to try to attempt this as much as I can.

Image result for jeff koons balloon dog skeleton
Skeleton of Balloon Dog – Could the dog go up to something and electrocute himself

Different gifs that incorporate the balloon dog; what movements he could do, how have different people used it, how could it be interpreted?

A video I found created by a masters student, where they animated the dog and made him run around. This is not in the Jeff Koons style, just a normal balloon dog. But the concept is really clever and allowed me to understand what it could look like once completed.


I then looked into balloons themselves, balloon animals and how they pop.


I then looked into whether I don’t just look at a dog, and instead its a balloon that morphs into all of the different animals. I took this as inspiration after Xavier showed me this video, of a shape that morphs into different things and textures, but just walks on the spot.



I also looked at the ‘FWA’ which is the Favourite Website Awards. I looked at websites which they have shared, which all have an interactive element. This made me contemplate how my interactive element could be done creatively and not think too laterally about it. – website where you can edit the text yourself and try out the font – website where you can scroll over and learn new information – website where you keep clicking through to travel through the website – scroll through and follow the journey of the card


And finally looked into pointless websites. These are websites which do not really have a purpose and only perform one simple action. This could be a really minimalistic way to complete the brief, but I do love how impactful they still are. – website that takes you to loads of pointless websites


Overall, no one has done exactly what I myself want to do, however the closest example is from the masters student who animated a balloon dog to act like a dog. Although it was helpful to look at what has been done before, to think differently about my ideas, as I had already had a vision in my mind of what I wanted my project to look like.

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