Design Marketing 2

Visual Concepts – Composition

I presented my planned concept to Xavier and we made a list of further considerations;

  • Is he an angel? could put a halo on him?
  • What colour do I want?
  • Add a moon when he is howling?
  • Words / text – when and where?
  • Itch levels – itchometer? Numbers?
  • UX / UI – How will they know that they need to click? or what happens?
  • “Click to apply little pricks flea treatment”
  • Size of dog? Make him huge?
  • Same background ? or different?
  • Art direction?
  • Shadow?


I then created visual concepts of what the different micro-stories could look like. These were created with photoshop. These reflected the above considerations. I played around with making the dog and background different colours.

This was a really useful exercise as it enabled me to imagine what the composition could look like. I think, however, in the end, it won’t look exactly like these concepts, but just be inspired by them.

chasing tail.jpg
Chasing Tail
moon howling concept.jpg
Howling at the moon
Balloon deflating colours


Angel sleeping – content & not itchy anymore



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